Our stainless steel bottles are practical and beautiful but most importantly, reusable.
By cutting out the use of throwaway plastic, you can make a huge difference to your impact on the health of our planet.
Our aim is to make things that bring pleasure to their owners; are not disposable; and reduce the use of throwaway plastic.
We donate 10% of profits to the Marine Conservation Society, the UK charity working for seas full of life – www.mcsuk.org
Facts about plastic bottles ...

People living in the UK use 13 BILLION plastic bottles every year. On average, that’s 150 each.

More than half are recycled, but still 5.5 billion bottles are burned, landfilled or littered. Every year.

It is estimated that by 2050, there will be more plastic waste in the sea, by weight, than fish.

Want to do something to help? See the ‘Beach cleans’ section of the Marine Conservation Society website.
Information provided by our pals at Lil – Lower Impact Living – find them at dolilthings.org
All the facts are from a House of Commons report, ‘Turning Back the Plastic Tide’ (2017)